Sunday, September 9, 2012

Need to Breathe

I recently took a few days away from my business to reset and refocus.  The world seemed to be spinning fast lately and I needed to slow down and chill - just for a moment.  I needed to breathe.  My head was full of questions and no answers.  Over the past few weeks, I have found myself questioning (again) my purpose, my path and my legacy.  I had been feeling like the weeks, months and years are flying by and I am not making progress but wasting hours.  

Perhaps it is the fresh, spring weather here that has prompted these thoughts.  I see such glorious days and feel that there is more to life than what I am experiencing.  My mind wanders back to what now feels like 'days of freedom'  where much time was spent hanging out with friends, slipping away for weekends and enjoying this magnificent world.  These days seem so far behind now.  Yes, our life changed, we had two beautiful sons and have enjoyed watching them grow up however, now the days are calling for more.

More of what?  I don't know.  I challenge my own thoughts - those of relocating and moving away in the hope of finding a fresh and exciting new life.  Dreams of having an amazing business that provides high levels of self-fulfillment and purpose.  A life where I find contentment, peace and one where I feel so richly blessed by the love of God, my family and feel 'at home'.   However, the more I think, the more confused I feel.  

In a devotion the other day, I told God that I needed  a big neon sign right about now that says, 'This Way' - just to confirm that I am on the right track.  About the same time, my devotion was talking about the importance of family - "Cherish the time in your home with the ones you love.  Your family - not your career, your hobby, your ministry, even your friends - is to be a top priority.....realise the importance of keeping your home safe and warm - a haven for your family."   Once again, God has stopped me in my steps and challenged my thoughts.  Gotta love him when he throws something complete random into the mix - staying at home was never on my to-do list.

What about you?  Are you struggling to breathe in this fast-paced, demanding world?  Take the time to ask God to show you where you need to be however, be prepared that the answer may not be what you are expecting.  His plan and his timing is perfect so if you are having the 'great debate' in your mind, have faith that while there may not be all the answers right now, the answers will come.


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